Where Art Thou Zee??

Haven't been updating my blog lately and for good reason.

1. I went to Manila last weekend (for a day). I was supposed to see my Dad but I wasn't able to catch him as their ship set sail earlier than expected. The flight was also delayed for an hour and a half. When I got to Manila at 9pm, I wasn't able to get a taxi right away since I had to fight off other passengers and deal with the drivers who do not want to use the meter. It's 250 for a ride to Malate from NAIA 2!! But the good thing was, I got to visit the bead shops in Quiapo and had a spree! =)

2. When I did get back to Cebu, I was sleepless and tired and I had to go to work in a few hours so I had to catch some zzzs.

3. It was my bestfriend's birthday and couldn't miss that one out (even if my muscles were aching from fatigue!).

4. Had to reformat my laptop coz the DVD drive wasn't working. Installed XP but it didn't work out well so had to reinstall Vista. Note: this isn't an easy feat for me as I have no experience whatsoever with hardware stuff and OS installations. I did it all by myself (mainly) and had some help with an Angel over the phone. *wink*

5. When I did get some free time, I was beading! LOL. Also got my hands on a Wirework magazine which showed very interesting projects and all the things you can do with a piece of wire! =)

Seems I had a busy busy week. Soon, I'll be updating with pics from my Manila trip, foodtrips after work and my new bead work! =)


Lydia said...

Hi zee c, nice blog & good post. You have beautifully maintained it, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

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