Blogging Again!

As the title states, I'm blogging again! Yey!

Year 2007 to early 2009. There I was blogging to my heart's content when I suddenly stopped. I don't know why. It just happens to me sometimes. For instance, I like doing something and I do it but then it comes to a point when I just need a break from doing it. I guess blogging became more of a chore for me and simply put, I don't want to do chores! LOL. Seriously though, I don't want to do something if I'm not enjoying it, do you? So we agree on that. And here I am blogging to my heart's content -- again!

So there. I stayed off the blogging radars for about a year and a half. I went offline. What was I doing the entire time? Working -- for real. I wasn't typing away behind a keyboard nor did I have a monitor full of Firefox tabs and late night chat discussions with The Boss. I was, and still am, working my a$$ off as a staff nurse in a tertiary hospital. I was practicing my profession -- finally!

I made a few people happier with that decision namely, my parents. Well, whose parents wouldn't? Two years and counting and I still wasn't "working". I don't think they considered what I did online as "working" as I didn't have an office to go to, or stuff regular employees do. All I did was stay at home and sit behind the laptop.

Was I happy going offline? Yeah... I guess. Looking back, I did find it quite, for a lack of better words -- lonely. Like I said, I just stayed at home. I did go out when it was payday (yey!) or hang out with friends -- yes, the same old friends during The Prehistoric Era (I love you girls!). But most of all, I missed people. I missed being around them and interacting with them even if they're only strangers. So, that's probably one of the reasons I went out -- to live (with people) again.

So it's official, I'm back and I made this new blog just for the occasion. I've titled it, The Chronicles of Zee. I'll be blogging about lots of stuff and I'm so excited! I hope you are too!

See ya 'round.



akoni said...

u have may full support, charing!!!

Unknown said...

@akoni: thanks! =)

oliver said...

interesting blog..i'll be your number 1 reader..gud luck..=)..

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